Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

Let’s Study About United States

Dapet tugas dari kantor buat bikin Country Profile negara-negara APEC. Banyak juga tu, ada 21 biji.. Apalagi aku lagi belajar, jadi rada puyeng *_*
Tapi kalau puyeng dimanjain, kerjaan gk bakal beres, kan? Let’s start from United States..
The United States
United States is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district. Buoyed by victorious in World Wars I and II and the end of the Cold War in 1991, the US remains the world’s most powerful nation state. The economy is marked by steady growth, low unemployment and inflation, and rapid advances in technology. According to the International Monetary Fund, the U.S. GDP contributes over 19.74% (USD 14,657,800 Million) of the gross world product (USD 74,264,080 Million) at Purchasing Power Parity in 2010, larger than any nations. The country ranks seventh in GDP per Capita at PPP (47,284 USD) with population of 308,745,538 persons.
Yet, despite leading the world’s economy for years, The US is now facing great challenge of 2008 financial crisis. Consumer confidence within the country is at all time low, perpetuating the slow economic growth since 2008. On the international front, it is increasingly likely that the US will lose its status as the world’s largest economy. According to the latest IMF forecast done in April 2011, China is expected to overtake the US by 2016.
Sisanya bakal di edit bentar lagi.. Ngerjain kerjaan dulu, hihihi….  :p

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